27 February 2012


what if there was no Jesus?


  1. So, my life is pointless in your opinion? :)

    1. hello free-thinker. what IF there was No jesus?

    2. If there was no Jesus, we would all still live and learn and love and leave this world some day. We would still wonder what comes before life and after death. We would still want to be happy and free from pain. We would all still be humans - curious, caring and capable of impossibilities.

      The universe is 14 billion years old. Jesus supposedly came 2000 years ago and lived for 30. For most of existence, there was no Jesus and there will be no Jesus for ever after. There is no Jesus in my life, and I like to think I am doing okay. There is no Jesus in the lives of the 5 billion people in the world who aren't Christian and they don't even miss it.

      So, it isn't really a hard thing to imagine a world without Jesus.

  2. I agree, agree somewhat. Mystery or mystery. What about the supernatural deeds of Jesus?

    1. What about the supernatural deeds of the Buddha? What about the supernatural deeds of Muhammad?

      There's a book which speaks of Jesus' miracles. There are books which speak of miracles of a million other gods, prophets and heroes.

      I don't believe in something just because it's written down.
