17 February 2014

17 FEBRUARY 2014.

Beckham, you had gone to a better place, far beyond, today.
Thank you for everything and you will be remembered.
you are our dearest sweetheart darling and a part of our family.
May you rest in peace T.T

 2007, you're borned to be loved.
2014, you're back to God.
good boy baby Beckham.You had your first shower here. 

hmm...... am i cute?
 silly boy...... you are so small!
lovely boy in my arms.

my passport photo

 me love grass!

Beng Beng koko showering me with love!

2013 im getting older hahahaha

bad boy in the prison

my boss loves me very much. I love him too :)


prison break.

run free now, go play with the angels!

till we meet again. see ya Beckham!!!!!!!!!
